Well I jumped in with you all...too many times of being asked if I had a page....I broke down...can't find a great picture though...there's so many artsy...pretty...fun pictures!
Gonna try to load some of the walk pictures...our orb pictures and such both here and on facebook. So watch for the updates!
But first...
Gotta wake up Randy...and make dinner :)
Much love...
Kiss Kiss,
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Most of you know that I attend the Ramtha School of Enlightenment. Although I am not current...I still study, LOVE my teacher, and of course have quite a journey with my disaplines and the teachings in general.
One of our disaplines is a walk. And in this walk you speak out loud. You focus and are in a trance. I am not a teacher so I won't go into details just know that much. Now I am sure you can imagine...we are in some VERY interesting places. It may be difficult at times to do this process. And a younger lady such as myself needs to be aware of her surroundings. And saying "I am Outragously Wealthy" might not be the best thing @ a truck stop, in the dark, by myself.
But here's the fun part. I notice we all have excuses to keep us from the things we love. The things we want. Maybe it's time. Or the Weather. Or money. Or whatever...But can we push past those things and really go for it in our lives...no matter what???
Well I have been involved in this particular challenge to myself for over 2 months now. NO MATTER WHAT I WALK EVERYDAY. I won't lie...sometime's it takes everything I have to get going. Sometimes I don't go very much. But I go.
As I wrote in a letter to a Girl friend today...I have been so cold that I thought my legs were gonna fall off...and I have been so hot and I thought I would be bit by a rattle snake. I've been fearful of being kidnapped, raped all that stuff...
....but here is the thing that gets me and drives me...what is my level of consitancy? Where do I let go into fear and doubt...and what stops me from being everything that I want to be?
What stops you???
Long story long...I also really get to some amazing beautiful rest areas. I have gotten really good at finding secret places to be alone...and go for it. Sometimes I take pictures of these places...and I want to share them with you.
Before that though...I want you all...who ever you are...to know that I believe in you. I KNOW we can all live our dreams. I KNOW you are more powerful than you can imagine. I know you have greatness in you. We all just need to let it bloom.
So look for the Walk Pictures...they are fun!!! I will make a lable for them as well!!
WHAT???? I haven't posted since OCTOBER????
And you all want me to join Facebook too???? I could I possibly keep up with all of it???
So...let's see...since October...has anything happened? Anything EXCITING and blog worthy for all my lovely pep's out in cyber land?
Of course...but my mind doesn't have anything supper uber fantastic to add at the moment.
It's winter which makes for some interesting drives. So far this year we have been really lucky and have not been in that awful of weather. Some, but not much.
Today...we are in Wisconsin...oh yeah you betchya...and I just snapped this shot from my phone as I was driving. My step mom Amy liked it and I feel inspired to post it...

We had a lovely Thanksgiving Holiday with my brother Jason, his wife Roxie, my niece Baby Becca, and the lovely unborn child. No fighting. No pressure. No...pain. No need for approval. No lack. Nothing like that what so ever. Everyone helped. No trash on the past. ((Although Jason did bring up the story of his twin sister, trust me you just have to hear it to understand)) Just love. Laughter. FOOD...my GOD FOOD. For those of you who have been pained by me at Thanksgiving for the last few years...you'd be happy to know...I ate dinner with everyone, I never cried, wasn't over the top intoxicated ((although I did have some lovely Spanish red)) ...and I think I was quite a joy to be around.
We ate dinner VERY late...and it was OK with all of us. And JASON did AAAALLLLLLLLLL the dishes by himself! Got up and made us breakfast too!!
For my birthday, Christmas, and New Years we will be on the road. We were hoping for a big bonus...but...as of this moment in time it is unclear if that is going to happen.
Although life on the road is good at times...we are finding it harder and harder to be out. Now that we have a sweet little cabin and such...well...that makes it even harder. So we're contemplating the NEXT STEP...please email me if you have ideas!
So that is the big jist for right now...will work on some more posts!!
Much love,
So...let's see...since October...has anything happened? Anything EXCITING and blog worthy for all my lovely pep's out in cyber land?
Of course...but my mind doesn't have anything supper uber fantastic to add at the moment.
It's winter which makes for some interesting drives. So far this year we have been really lucky and have not been in that awful of weather. Some, but not much.
Today...we are in Wisconsin...oh yeah you betchya...and I just snapped this shot from my phone as I was driving. My step mom Amy liked it and I feel inspired to post it...

We had a lovely Thanksgiving Holiday with my brother Jason, his wife Roxie, my niece Baby Becca, and the lovely unborn child. No fighting. No pressure. No...pain. No need for approval. No lack. Nothing like that what so ever. Everyone helped. No trash on the past. ((Although Jason did bring up the story of his twin sister, trust me you just have to hear it to understand)) Just love. Laughter. FOOD...my GOD FOOD. For those of you who have been pained by me at Thanksgiving for the last few years...you'd be happy to know...I ate dinner with everyone, I never cried, wasn't over the top intoxicated ((although I did have some lovely Spanish red)) ...and I think I was quite a joy to be around.
We ate dinner VERY late...and it was OK with all of us. And JASON did AAAALLLLLLLLLL the dishes by himself! Got up and made us breakfast too!!
For my birthday, Christmas, and New Years we will be on the road. We were hoping for a big bonus...but...as of this moment in time it is unclear if that is going to happen.
Although life on the road is good at times...we are finding it harder and harder to be out. Now that we have a sweet little cabin and such...well...that makes it even harder. So we're contemplating the NEXT STEP...please email me if you have ideas!
So that is the big jist for right now...will work on some more posts!!
Much love,
Thursday, October 15, 2009
And Yet...Another Baby Announcement!

Short and sweet gang...
The Beloved Carlie (friend from back in the "Golden" age)...has announce she too has got a little one in the oven!
Well...and she was not even in that picture of my sister in law's!
But she did do some international traveling...
so hmm...could it be that there is a new level to the saying "don't drink the water?"
Falling over laughing!!!
Kiss Kiss,
PS A very big congrats to Carlie and her beloved Paul!!
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Sometimes You Just Meet Cool People...

I wish to introduce to you Dereck Clayton.
Here I am @ a truck stop in Gary Indiana. Randy is sleeping. I came in to download some music, do research on the internet and have a great big yummy steak salad with blue cheese.
Up walks this man and starts sassing the whole female staff. Telling Frank (another regular) the proper way to drink your coffee...I peeked it's with a lot of cream and some sweetener...according to Dereck. Mine...black and strong as you can get...french press is best.
Anyways...we start talking MUSIC. And asked if I liked Stevie Rae Vaughn. How could one not!?!?!?!
Anyways, he proceeded to turn me on to limewire. Although it didn't give me the particular songs I am looking for...it will serve its purpose in the future. (place evil laugh here).
Dereck is a very kind, sassy, wonderful man and I am glad we had some time together. He is an EMT. Our talk was mostly music. With a big shout out to Prince! He's a classic 1970's-1980's type man...loving action flicks with Bruce Willis and "of course John Wayne."
Dereck and Frank assured me...that even though some other truckers scared me tremendously of this truck stop...this is not the homicide capitol for truckers. As a matter of fact...this particular Flying J in all their years coming here...there has never been a murder. I can hear Randy saying "See I told you so..." Already.
Well...as a female trucker I mostly keep to myself...but sometimes wonderful people are sitting right next to you...and I just can't resist!
Big shout out to Dereck!!
Kiss Kiss,
Tuesday, September 22, 2009

We just found out that my brother Michael and his lovely wife Laine, from Bismarck North Dakota have recently conceived!!! ...but this little one will not be an only child. There are TWO girls already with this loving little family. Princesse's Morgan and Madison! Both in first grade this year.
So ALL my brother's wives on my father's side are pregnant...

This picture was taken in Mexico when we all went on our cruise. ((Thanks again Dad)) It's like a destiny that they are all pregnant...good thing I wasn't in this picture! I was swimming with the dolphins @ the time this was taken, we got separated and could not find them...so we (Randy and I) went and hung out on the beach, drank margarita's, Randy got a massage and we rented a jet ski...again...I guess it's a good thing I was not in this picture! That would definitely impede on my trucking career!
I wonder if they said BABIES instead of CHEESE!
Kiss Kiss,
Love to the mama's to be!
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