Most of you know that I attend the Ramtha School of Enlightenment. Although I am not current...I still study, LOVE my teacher, and of course have quite a journey with my disaplines and the teachings in general.
One of our disaplines is a walk. And in this walk you speak out loud. You focus and are in a trance. I am not a teacher so I won't go into details just know that much. Now I am sure you can imagine...we are in some VERY interesting places. It may be difficult at times to do this process. And a younger lady such as myself needs to be aware of her surroundings. And saying "I am Outragously Wealthy" might not be the best thing @ a truck stop, in the dark, by myself.
But here's the fun part. I notice we all have excuses to keep us from the things we love. The things we want. Maybe it's time. Or the Weather. Or money. Or whatever...But can we push past those things and really go for it in our matter what???
Well I have been involved in this particular challenge to myself for over 2 months now. NO MATTER WHAT I WALK EVERYDAY. I won't lie...sometime's it takes everything I have to get going. Sometimes I don't go very much. But I go.
As I wrote in a letter to a Girl friend today...I have been so cold that I thought my legs were gonna fall off...and I have been so hot and I thought I would be bit by a rattle snake. I've been fearful of being kidnapped, raped all that stuff...
....but here is the thing that gets me and drives me...what is my level of consitancy? Where do I let go into fear and doubt...and what stops me from being everything that I want to be?
What stops you???
Long story long...I also really get to some amazing beautiful rest areas. I have gotten really good at finding secret places to be alone...and go for it. Sometimes I take pictures of these places...and I want to share them with you.
Before that though...I want you all...who ever you know that I believe in you. I KNOW we can all live our dreams. I KNOW you are more powerful than you can imagine. I know you have greatness in you. We all just need to let it bloom.
So look for the Walk Pictures...they are fun!!! I will make a lable for them as well!!
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