I wish to introduce to you Dereck Clayton.
Here I am @ a truck stop in Gary Indiana. Randy is sleeping. I came in to download some music, do research on the internet and have a great big yummy steak salad with blue cheese.
Up walks this man and starts sassing the whole female staff. Telling Frank (another regular) the proper way to drink your coffee...I peeked it's with a lot of cream and some sweetener...according to Dereck. Mine...black and strong as you can get...french press is best.
Anyways...we start talking MUSIC. And asked if I liked Stevie Rae Vaughn. How could one not!?!?!?!
Anyways, he proceeded to turn me on to limewire. Although it didn't give me the particular songs I am looking for...it will serve its purpose in the future. (place evil laugh here).
Dereck is a very kind, sassy, wonderful man and I am glad we had some time together. He is an EMT. Our talk was mostly music. With a big shout out to Prince! He's a classic 1970's-1980's type man...loving action flicks with Bruce Willis and "of course John Wayne."
Dereck and Frank assured me...that even though some other truckers scared me tremendously of this truck stop...this is not the homicide capitol for truckers. As a matter of fact...this particular Flying J in all their years coming here...there has never been a murder. I can hear Randy saying "See I told you so..." Already.
Well...as a female trucker I mostly keep to myself...but sometimes wonderful people are sitting right next to you...and I just can't resist!
Big shout out to Dereck!!
Kiss Kiss,