Houston....yeah, we got out of there after 10 days!!!! The repair was covered by another store. If we would have paid for the repair...it would have been around$6,000...or our LIFE! Yikes!!!!
But, we are rolling again. And all is well.

What do you do when a road is closed? The way appears blocked?
This is coming from more my own inner contemplations vs. our TRUCKING life. But it kinda applies...
What do you do when the way is shut?
If you were and epic hero like Frodo...you keep going. Regardless of what/who/where/what happens. But is this the way ordinary folk live their lives? At all costs...lay it all on the line...finding the other paths to the same end all be all's of what ever it is we are trying to accomplish?

In winter...if the road is closed out...depending on where we are...we just "shut down." We hang out, watch movies, take showers, do laundry...sleep. Until the magical moment comes and the road opens and we continue on our way.
I have something I am trying to achieve in my life...and I keep hitting road blocks...so my BIG thoughts of the day are do I keep with the head strong me...and FORCE it? Do I gracefully bow my head and walk for a door? Do I wait it out...knowing the road will open eventually? Spring will come and melt it all away? The waters of emotion will recede and I can continue on.
What do you do? Beg, borrow and steal till it happens? Laugh at another block and continue on? Tell yourself it should not be this HARD if it is "meant" to be?
Close our eyes and focus?
This is what is troubling me today...
I want to be studying and using this down time to be productive...but this oyster has a big grain of sand in her shell...I hope I don't choke on it... and I can turn it into a pearl of wisdom!!!!

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