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Lower 48, United States
Long Haul Truck Drivers and the World That Surrounds Us.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

How Small is the World? A Truckers View..........

A few weeks ago, I woke up with some pretty severe tooth pain. We had decided to stay the night at a truck stop in North Bend, WA. Terri Lynn took me to the ER, because it was a Sunday, and good luck finding a dentist.

Our route took us through Bismark, ND. Terri called ahead to her family that lives there, hoping to find transportation from the nearest truck stop to a local dentist. The first to respond was her brother Micheal. When he heard what was going on, he started calling around to local dentists to get me an appointment for that Monday. He found a place that would take us on short notice.
When we arrived at the truck stop in Bismark, Micheal was there waiting for us. We found out that not only was he taking us to the appointment, but he was putting us up for the night; cats and all.

We got to the dentist, they looked, and referred me to a surgeon. An impacted and decaying wisdom tooth needed to be extracted. The appointment was the next day.
In the mean time, Terri Lynn got to see her two nieces, her dad and step mom. She was very happy about this. I was on pain medications....enough said.

We went to visit Terri Lynn's step mom. While walking through the house, I noticed a laptop under a pile of old paperwork and a layer of dust. I inquired about it, and she let us have it. She had been having problems with it and quit using it a year or two ago.

We sat down and talked for abit. During the conversation, our dispatcher called...Joe, a really great guy. Terri related all that was happening. When he found out we were staying with family, he mentioned that he grew up in Grand Forks (not far from Bismark).....heres the small world part: Terri Lynn's step mom and our dispatcher went to the same high school. He graduated a year behind her. She pulled out the year book. We got to see Joe's High School Year Book photo. They even remembered each other. Scary..... (Sorry, I am not brave enough to post that picture.)

Anyway, we ended up staying with Micheal and his family until that Thursday. He looked at it as saving a few thousand dollars it would cost to pack-up the family and come to see us. So, it worked out all around.

I was unable to drive for the two days before we got to Bismark, and about three days after we left. Terri put on some huge miles, and some really crappy hours. All I can say is: My Hero, My Love.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this.