It's been brought to my attention that this blog that is supposed to be about our trucking life is mostly about my personal life.
Here's the deal...
When you're on the road most the time...EVERYTHING is an adventure in trucking. Because that is where we are ALL the time.
Death, birth, classes, quarky stuff...that's me babe!
But here is a quick little trucking story...
Picture a truck stop, (come on I know you've been to one), it's late, very late. The waitress's are over chatting it up over a couple of cigarettes...and there is this girl, in the corner, with a little laptop, a bunch of markers, a note book, a cell phone, a never empty cup of coffee, bursting out with laughter once in a while...studying quantum physics!
While her sweetie was in the same truck stop ALL day looking at waves, not the ocean kind...but financial trends...those kinds of waves. Things I don't understand...yet.
No, we are not your typical truckers...we had showers yesterday!!!!
We have a load of assorted frozen bread and pastries (-10 degree's) that I will be driving to a Walmart distribution center @ 3:30 am.
We have been hanging at this truck stop since 4:00 this morning.
Last week we drove over 5,000 miles...
...and we can't wait to buy a fridge for our truck next week.
So no big story...just a simple life, out here on the open road.
Kiss Kiss,
PS I hope to be making wine again SOON!!!
Your right...Randy does not know about this blog. If I did, I would have ixnayed that picture. Uugg. I would have at least chosen one featuring the current truck.
picky picky...yup that is my beloved!!
Kiss Kiss,
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