I was noticing that I was having a tough time posting. So I am pushing through this one.
How does one follow up after two sudden deaths? What does one write about next? Where do we go from here? How do I be my lovey, goofy self...in spite of it all with out being "disrespectful." Randy just gives me funny looks about that last sentence.
The truth is I am really quite filled with excitement and jazz about the direction our lives are going.
I know a TON of people are down about the economy, my family is in grieving, threat of nuclear war, pollution, our once great country is falling apart, the environment, is it heating or cooling... LOTS happening.
But...I see breakthroughs. I truly believe that if we could let go of some of this pain, frustration, anger, you name it I've had it emotions...and just allow hope and light to come through...things can shift for us all. The joy and the goodness...will just seep out of us.
As I look at Randy I am reminded of all the heartbreaks I have experienced, and rejoice in the NEW love and adventure we are on...and know that had I not gone through those things...I would not be in the place to accept his love, or be in this PHENOMENAL relationship.
As I get into my big truck and head out down the road, I think of all the jobs I have lost and how hard I tried to make them work. Looking back and knowing what I know now...my life is better for the trouble.
When I have dinner at one brothers house and play with his lovely daughter my mind will sometimes wander to those family members that for whatever reasons are not in my life...and then I hear her giggle and I am filled with an unexplainable joy.
As I toast wine with a new friend...I think about friends lost, who have asked me to go...and I still feel a twinge of pain...and then I see a common ground, a love being born, not out of controlling or fear, but one of camaraderie.
...but I KNOW....I KNOW...that all of these things have aided me in becoming me.
And through a lot...a LOT of work...I am starting to see new sparkle in my eyes. A new future ahead of me...an EVOLUTION of what once was. Many people, places, times and events have asked me to leave. Many have pushed me in directions I didn't think I could go and I would go thinking I was a failure.
But is a butterfly a failure to the caterpillar? No...it is the dream of it!
Truly if we focus on what we have right in front of us, and dream the dream of the future...it HAS to change. It can change. It will change. In ways that we never even dreamed of.
What is it they say...the past is a memory, the future is a dream...and the present is a gift...I slaughtered that but you get the idea.
Bless us all in our transformations,
May we all have hope for our future,
May we not have to go to the grave to see the love that is before us.
Kiss Kiss,
P.S. Special love to Steve and Kim, now that they are without bodies, I hope to see you as an orb sometime soon. May you see the love that was here for you...may you return soon...I'd love to hear from you and your experiences. I do believe this is possible!
PPS...Randy has no part in this blog. I am taking a home study course from the Ramtha School of Enlightenment and just finished a teaching on Quantum Entanglement...knowing we can do this! Knowing that we only use 10% of our brains consciously if we are lucky...knowing we do have a say in what happens. I am jazzed to the max about the possibilities of our futures!!
PPPS...isn't ice cream good!?!?!
Away we go!!
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