Update on our truck repairs...
Yes...we are still in Houston!
It's almost been a week. In fact tomorrow it will be a week.
Although I am enjoying the "study" time (I've been reading a bunch), I really feel for the rest of the members of our little family. Voodoo is trying to sneak out everyday, although, she refuses to walk on her leash. Deja keeps going into the kitty carrier. Randy is starting to climb walls. (Not in that oh you're rock climbing sorta way.)
We're gonna post some fun pictures of how we cross the road to get to the movie theater, restaurants and such...and yes...It actually does involve a chicken.
I can't post 'em yet, they are on the phone and he left to watch District 9. Personally, government segregation of anyone/thing with then revolutions...yeah...I rather miss out on...I saw the news last night with all the anger on the health care reforms...I think we will be seeing more government involved in everything way to soon.
I rather stay home (here in lovely room 112) and watch a Ramtha video, drink some wine, and read.
Kiss Kiss to you all,
Wherever you maybe...
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