Well I jumped in with you all...too many times of being asked if I had a page....I broke down...can't find a great picture though...there's so many artsy...pretty...fun pictures!
Gonna try to load some of the walk pictures...our orb pictures and such both here and on facebook. So watch for the updates!
But first...
Gotta wake up Randy...and make dinner :)
Much love...
Kiss Kiss,
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Most of you know that I attend the Ramtha School of Enlightenment. Although I am not current...I still study, LOVE my teacher, and of course have quite a journey with my disaplines and the teachings in general.
One of our disaplines is a walk. And in this walk you speak out loud. You focus and are in a trance. I am not a teacher so I won't go into details just know that much. Now I am sure you can imagine...we are in some VERY interesting places. It may be difficult at times to do this process. And a younger lady such as myself needs to be aware of her surroundings. And saying "I am Outragously Wealthy" might not be the best thing @ a truck stop, in the dark, by myself.
But here's the fun part. I notice we all have excuses to keep us from the things we love. The things we want. Maybe it's time. Or the Weather. Or money. Or whatever...But can we push past those things and really go for it in our lives...no matter what???
Well I have been involved in this particular challenge to myself for over 2 months now. NO MATTER WHAT I WALK EVERYDAY. I won't lie...sometime's it takes everything I have to get going. Sometimes I don't go very much. But I go.
As I wrote in a letter to a Girl friend today...I have been so cold that I thought my legs were gonna fall off...and I have been so hot and I thought I would be bit by a rattle snake. I've been fearful of being kidnapped, raped all that stuff...
....but here is the thing that gets me and drives me...what is my level of consitancy? Where do I let go into fear and doubt...and what stops me from being everything that I want to be?
What stops you???
Long story long...I also really get to some amazing beautiful rest areas. I have gotten really good at finding secret places to be alone...and go for it. Sometimes I take pictures of these places...and I want to share them with you.
Before that though...I want you all...who ever you are...to know that I believe in you. I KNOW we can all live our dreams. I KNOW you are more powerful than you can imagine. I know you have greatness in you. We all just need to let it bloom.
So look for the Walk Pictures...they are fun!!! I will make a lable for them as well!!
WHAT???? I haven't posted since OCTOBER????
And you all want me to join Facebook too???? I could I possibly keep up with all of it???
So...let's see...since October...has anything happened? Anything EXCITING and blog worthy for all my lovely pep's out in cyber land?
Of course...but my mind doesn't have anything supper uber fantastic to add at the moment.
It's winter which makes for some interesting drives. So far this year we have been really lucky and have not been in that awful of weather. Some, but not much.
Today...we are in Wisconsin...oh yeah you betchya...and I just snapped this shot from my phone as I was driving. My step mom Amy liked it and I feel inspired to post it...

We had a lovely Thanksgiving Holiday with my brother Jason, his wife Roxie, my niece Baby Becca, and the lovely unborn child. No fighting. No pressure. No...pain. No need for approval. No lack. Nothing like that what so ever. Everyone helped. No trash on the past. ((Although Jason did bring up the story of his twin sister, trust me you just have to hear it to understand)) Just love. Laughter. FOOD...my GOD FOOD. For those of you who have been pained by me at Thanksgiving for the last few years...you'd be happy to know...I ate dinner with everyone, I never cried, wasn't over the top intoxicated ((although I did have some lovely Spanish red)) ...and I think I was quite a joy to be around.
We ate dinner VERY late...and it was OK with all of us. And JASON did AAAALLLLLLLLLL the dishes by himself! Got up and made us breakfast too!!
For my birthday, Christmas, and New Years we will be on the road. We were hoping for a big bonus...but...as of this moment in time it is unclear if that is going to happen.
Although life on the road is good at times...we are finding it harder and harder to be out. Now that we have a sweet little cabin and such...well...that makes it even harder. So we're contemplating the NEXT STEP...please email me if you have ideas!
So that is the big jist for right now...will work on some more posts!!
Much love,
So...let's see...since October...has anything happened? Anything EXCITING and blog worthy for all my lovely pep's out in cyber land?
Of course...but my mind doesn't have anything supper uber fantastic to add at the moment.
It's winter which makes for some interesting drives. So far this year we have been really lucky and have not been in that awful of weather. Some, but not much.
Today...we are in Wisconsin...oh yeah you betchya...and I just snapped this shot from my phone as I was driving. My step mom Amy liked it and I feel inspired to post it...

We had a lovely Thanksgiving Holiday with my brother Jason, his wife Roxie, my niece Baby Becca, and the lovely unborn child. No fighting. No pressure. No...pain. No need for approval. No lack. Nothing like that what so ever. Everyone helped. No trash on the past. ((Although Jason did bring up the story of his twin sister, trust me you just have to hear it to understand)) Just love. Laughter. FOOD...my GOD FOOD. For those of you who have been pained by me at Thanksgiving for the last few years...you'd be happy to know...I ate dinner with everyone, I never cried, wasn't over the top intoxicated ((although I did have some lovely Spanish red)) ...and I think I was quite a joy to be around.
We ate dinner VERY late...and it was OK with all of us. And JASON did AAAALLLLLLLLLL the dishes by himself! Got up and made us breakfast too!!
For my birthday, Christmas, and New Years we will be on the road. We were hoping for a big bonus...but...as of this moment in time it is unclear if that is going to happen.
Although life on the road is good at times...we are finding it harder and harder to be out. Now that we have a sweet little cabin and such...well...that makes it even harder. So we're contemplating the NEXT STEP...please email me if you have ideas!
So that is the big jist for right now...will work on some more posts!!
Much love,
Thursday, October 15, 2009
And Yet...Another Baby Announcement!

Short and sweet gang...
The Beloved Carlie (friend from back in the "Golden" age)...has announce she too has got a little one in the oven!
Well...and she was not even in that picture of my sister in law's!
But she did do some international traveling...
so hmm...could it be that there is a new level to the saying "don't drink the water?"
Falling over laughing!!!
Kiss Kiss,
PS A very big congrats to Carlie and her beloved Paul!!
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Sometimes You Just Meet Cool People...

I wish to introduce to you Dereck Clayton.
Here I am @ a truck stop in Gary Indiana. Randy is sleeping. I came in to download some music, do research on the internet and have a great big yummy steak salad with blue cheese.
Up walks this man and starts sassing the whole female staff. Telling Frank (another regular) the proper way to drink your coffee...I peeked it's with a lot of cream and some sweetener...according to Dereck. Mine...black and strong as you can get...french press is best.
Anyways...we start talking MUSIC. And asked if I liked Stevie Rae Vaughn. How could one not!?!?!?!
Anyways, he proceeded to turn me on to limewire. Although it didn't give me the particular songs I am looking for...it will serve its purpose in the future. (place evil laugh here).
Dereck is a very kind, sassy, wonderful man and I am glad we had some time together. He is an EMT. Our talk was mostly music. With a big shout out to Prince! He's a classic 1970's-1980's type man...loving action flicks with Bruce Willis and "of course John Wayne."
Dereck and Frank assured me...that even though some other truckers scared me tremendously of this truck stop...this is not the homicide capitol for truckers. As a matter of fact...this particular Flying J in all their years coming here...there has never been a murder. I can hear Randy saying "See I told you so..." Already.
Well...as a female trucker I mostly keep to myself...but sometimes wonderful people are sitting right next to you...and I just can't resist!
Big shout out to Dereck!!
Kiss Kiss,
Tuesday, September 22, 2009

We just found out that my brother Michael and his lovely wife Laine, from Bismarck North Dakota have recently conceived!!! ...but this little one will not be an only child. There are TWO girls already with this loving little family. Princesse's Morgan and Madison! Both in first grade this year.
So ALL my brother's wives on my father's side are pregnant...

This picture was taken in Mexico when we all went on our cruise. ((Thanks again Dad)) It's like a destiny that they are all pregnant...good thing I wasn't in this picture! I was swimming with the dolphins @ the time this was taken, we got separated and could not find them...so we (Randy and I) went and hung out on the beach, drank margarita's, Randy got a massage and we rented a jet ski...again...I guess it's a good thing I was not in this picture! That would definitely impede on my trucking career!
I wonder if they said BABIES instead of CHEESE!
Kiss Kiss,
Love to the mama's to be!
Where Have You Been? And What Have You Been Hauling???

Sometimes it might be interesting for you all to know what we haul and where we go...
so I will be posting from time to time what has been going on....
Clackamas, OR > Boise, Idaho - Produce
Boise, ID > De Kalb, Illinois - Powerbars
Aurora, Illinois > Atlanta, Georgia - Can't remeber
Atlanta, Georgia > Sealy, Texas - Crayons
Houston, Texas > Oklahoma City, Oklahoma - Motor Oil
Oklahoma City > Brundidge, Alabama - Potatoes
Calhoun, Georgia > Appleton, Wisconsin - Bread Crumbs ((yes, I'm serious))
Plover, Wisconsin > Byron Center, Michigan - French Fries
Quincy, Michigan > Ogalalla, Nebraska - can't remeber
Ogalalla , Nebraska > Kent, Washington - can't remeber
Kent, Washington > Minooka, Illinois - frozen waffles
Portage, Wisconsin > Tolleson, Arizon - meat
Phoenix, Az > Green Bay, Wisconsin - can't remeber
Chicago, Illinois > Mechanicsburg, Pennsevania - Gum
Harrisburg, Pennslyvania > Fogelsville, Pennsylvania - can't remember
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania > Carthage, Missouri
Springfeild, Missouri > Stockton, California
Castroville, California > Atlantana, Georgia
Garner, North Carolina > Carol Stream, Illinois
Paw Paw, Michigan > Fargo, North Dakota > Paw Paw, Michigan - juice boxes.
That should give you some of an idea! We did all of this starting on 8/4/09, the last one the most recent.
Thanks for reading, caring, and loving us...
Kiss, kiss,
Just another day, another load....
Well...just to let you know about some of the "fun" trucking can be....
We were on our way home. We were booking it back so I could make an event @ the Ramtha School of Enlightenment (www.ramtha.com) I have missed quite a few events over the years for varying reasons...but, we had the money, the time, and we were on our way home. All was well. We would be getting into town the day the event started ((three days later than I requested off)) and we would rush to pick me up a new tent, Randy would drop me off @ the ranch...and 'Bob's your uncle' we all would be happy.
Well...so i thought.
I was driving along ((unfortunately wouldn't be able to stop and visit family because we were in such a hurry)) on I-94 just passing Fargo ND. And the Qualcomm (satellite communication device with our company) beeps @ me. I thought it was just a lovely safety message...but they said I needed to turn around and return the load BACK to Paw Paw Michigan!!!
I fought it but in the end the company won. So after driving 755 miles I pulled off of the west bound, pulled into a truck stop Eastbound and proceeded to cry my head off. It even scared Voodoo to hide @ Randy's feet.
But after a good hard cry that lasted less than a few minutes...I sniffled and went back to the drivers seat and headed east.
Well...I thought that would be the end of our little detour...but I was wrong.
We got to the shipper/receiver and did not have the correct number to return their product to them. We were there just the day before...with their paperwork and their seals...and they wouldn't unload us. It took them 3 hours to locate this correct number...not to mention MANY phone calls...Finally I walked in and used my charming firm voice and said "C'mon, Isn't there someone you can call and talk to?" I was dealing with my company AND a broker (sub company that gets loads and then sells them...genuine pain in the ass's) and I told this guy that we are just not coming up with the right number. There were 5 trucks behind me waiting to get a door (to get loaded or unloaded) and I was worried we would be there all night. And although I am totally involved in my current book...

The idea of sitting there all night was not appealing to me at all. Do you ever have to stay somewhere when you really wanna be someplace else...like I am sure there are days that you are sitting in the office looking outside especially on a warm spring day where everything smells fresh...you wanna go on a hike, or paddle, or make some sweet love in the park, maybe have a glass of wine on your porch...yeah...that's nice!
Anyways...we finally got unloaded!!!!
Now...we go to Illinois to pick up something that goes to Indiana. (300 miles) THEN we have a load that picks up in Indiana and then another pick up in Wisconsin...then...can you guess...then...that's right folks THEN I get to go home.
Well, by then the event will be over...
BUT the Pollyanna in me says...well...I will get to enjoy wine with my sweetie...
We're gonna put the semi in the shop for some sweet loving...my pickup which has been so very neglected over the years will go into a shop as well. The car needs an oil change and tires. We'll get wood for the winter. I will cook some fabulous meals. Randy will buy his shot gun. And maybe we'll get a REAL couch! Maybe see some friends and family. Maybe plant some winter type "crops" Not an event...but lots of "maintenance" going on!
So if ya get a chance to...hug a trucker today!
Looking forward to "home time!"
Kiss Kiss....
PS a really big upswing of this delay to home time is we get paid an extra $40 a day that we didn't make it home. Although we have never cashed in on this before...we will now!
We were on our way home. We were booking it back so I could make an event @ the Ramtha School of Enlightenment (www.ramtha.com) I have missed quite a few events over the years for varying reasons...but, we had the money, the time, and we were on our way home. All was well. We would be getting into town the day the event started ((three days later than I requested off)) and we would rush to pick me up a new tent, Randy would drop me off @ the ranch...and 'Bob's your uncle' we all would be happy.
Well...so i thought.
I was driving along ((unfortunately wouldn't be able to stop and visit family because we were in such a hurry)) on I-94 just passing Fargo ND. And the Qualcomm (satellite communication device with our company) beeps @ me. I thought it was just a lovely safety message...but they said I needed to turn around and return the load BACK to Paw Paw Michigan!!!

But after a good hard cry that lasted less than a few minutes...I sniffled and went back to the drivers seat and headed east.
Well...I thought that would be the end of our little detour...but I was wrong.
We got to the shipper/receiver and did not have the correct number to return their product to them. We were there just the day before...with their paperwork and their seals...and they wouldn't unload us. It took them 3 hours to locate this correct number...not to mention MANY phone calls...Finally I walked in and used my charming firm voice and said "C'mon, Isn't there someone you can call and talk to?" I was dealing with my company AND a broker (sub company that gets loads and then sells them...genuine pain in the ass's) and I told this guy that we are just not coming up with the right number. There were 5 trucks behind me waiting to get a door (to get loaded or unloaded) and I was worried we would be there all night. And although I am totally involved in my current book...

The idea of sitting there all night was not appealing to me at all. Do you ever have to stay somewhere when you really wanna be someplace else...like I am sure there are days that you are sitting in the office looking outside especially on a warm spring day where everything smells fresh...you wanna go on a hike, or paddle, or make some sweet love in the park, maybe have a glass of wine on your porch...yeah...that's nice!
Anyways...we finally got unloaded!!!!
Now...we go to Illinois to pick up something that goes to Indiana. (300 miles) THEN we have a load that picks up in Indiana and then another pick up in Wisconsin...then...can you guess...then...that's right folks THEN I get to go home.
Well, by then the event will be over...
BUT the Pollyanna in me says...well...I will get to enjoy wine with my sweetie...
We're gonna put the semi in the shop for some sweet loving...my pickup which has been so very neglected over the years will go into a shop as well. The car needs an oil change and tires. We'll get wood for the winter. I will cook some fabulous meals. Randy will buy his shot gun. And maybe we'll get a REAL couch! Maybe see some friends and family. Maybe plant some winter type "crops" Not an event...but lots of "maintenance" going on!
So if ya get a chance to...hug a trucker today!
Looking forward to "home time!"
Kiss Kiss....
PS a really big upswing of this delay to home time is we get paid an extra $40 a day that we didn't make it home. Although we have never cashed in on this before...we will now!
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Road Blocks
Houston....yeah, we got out of there after 10 days!!!! The repair was covered by another store. If we would have paid for the repair...it would have been around$6,000...or our LIFE! Yikes!!!!
But, we are rolling again. And all is well.
But to the blog...
What do you do when a road is closed? The way appears blocked?
This is coming from more my own inner contemplations vs. our TRUCKING life. But it kinda applies...
What do you do when the way is shut?
If you were and epic hero like Frodo...you keep going. Regardless of what/who/where/what happens. But is this the way ordinary folk live their lives? At all costs...lay it all on the line...finding the other paths to the same end all be all's of what ever it is we are trying to accomplish?
In winter...if the road is closed out...depending on where we are...we just "shut down." We hang out, watch movies, take showers, do laundry...sleep. Until the magical moment comes and the road opens and we continue on our way.
I have something I am trying to achieve in my life...and I keep hitting road blocks...so my BIG thoughts of the day are do I keep with the head strong me...and FORCE it? Do I gracefully bow my head and walk for a door? Do I wait it out...knowing the road will open eventually? Spring will come and melt it all away? The waters of emotion will recede and I can continue on.
What do you do? Beg, borrow and steal till it happens? Laugh at another block and continue on? Tell yourself it should not be this HARD if it is "meant" to be?
Close our eyes and focus?
This is what is troubling me today...
I want to be studying and using this down time to be productive...but this oyster has a big grain of sand in her shell...I hope I don't choke on it... and I can turn it into a pearl of wisdom!!!!
Houston....yeah, we got out of there after 10 days!!!! The repair was covered by another store. If we would have paid for the repair...it would have been around$6,000...or our LIFE! Yikes!!!!
But, we are rolling again. And all is well.

What do you do when a road is closed? The way appears blocked?
This is coming from more my own inner contemplations vs. our TRUCKING life. But it kinda applies...
What do you do when the way is shut?
If you were and epic hero like Frodo...you keep going. Regardless of what/who/where/what happens. But is this the way ordinary folk live their lives? At all costs...lay it all on the line...finding the other paths to the same end all be all's of what ever it is we are trying to accomplish?

In winter...if the road is closed out...depending on where we are...we just "shut down." We hang out, watch movies, take showers, do laundry...sleep. Until the magical moment comes and the road opens and we continue on our way.
I have something I am trying to achieve in my life...and I keep hitting road blocks...so my BIG thoughts of the day are do I keep with the head strong me...and FORCE it? Do I gracefully bow my head and walk for a door? Do I wait it out...knowing the road will open eventually? Spring will come and melt it all away? The waters of emotion will recede and I can continue on.
What do you do? Beg, borrow and steal till it happens? Laugh at another block and continue on? Tell yourself it should not be this HARD if it is "meant" to be?
Close our eyes and focus?
This is what is troubling me today...
I want to be studying and using this down time to be productive...but this oyster has a big grain of sand in her shell...I hope I don't choke on it... and I can turn it into a pearl of wisdom!!!!

Sunday, August 16, 2009
Hanging on...still in Houston.

Update on our truck repairs...
Yes...we are still in Houston!
It's almost been a week. In fact tomorrow it will be a week.
Although I am enjoying the "study" time (I've been reading a bunch), I really feel for the rest of the members of our little family. Voodoo is trying to sneak out everyday, although, she refuses to walk on her leash. Deja keeps going into the kitty carrier. Randy is starting to climb walls. (Not in that oh you're rock climbing sorta way.)
We're gonna post some fun pictures of how we cross the road to get to the movie theater, restaurants and such...and yes...It actually does involve a chicken.
I can't post 'em yet, they are on the phone and he left to watch District 9. Personally, government segregation of anyone/thing with then revolutions...yeah...I rather miss out on...I saw the news last night with all the anger on the health care reforms...I think we will be seeing more government involved in everything way to soon.
I rather stay home (here in lovely room 112) and watch a Ramtha video, drink some wine, and read.
Kiss Kiss to you all,
Wherever you maybe...
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Hung Up In Huston

Well, this really isn't the view we have currently, however, it is the correct sky line. Houston Texas!
We've been here for a little bit now due to an unplanned yet very needed repair.
Our transmission was FALLING off. Not due to any negligence on our part. Just sometimes screws work their way out of being screwed in...in the end leaving us a little screwed. We've been here since Monday morning...it's now Wednesday afternoon.

We've had several meals at Denny's (conveniently located in the parking lot of the hotel we are in). Had Domino's pizza. And watched some awful TV. How can a hotel NOT have the Sci-Fi channel. If they had that...I'm sure we'd be much more entertained. ((By the way skip seeing the movie "The Watchmen." Dr. Manhattan was really what kept me involved...but other than that i could have skipped the experience.))
Randy is getting a little board, Deja was sitting in the carrier as if to say "let's go." However, any time it seems like we are leaving Voodoo hides! I've been reading a lot. Just finished The Psychic Warrior by David Moorehouse. And now I am well into my second reading of Brother of the Third Degree.
Being stuck this long is a bit much...we don't make money sitting here that is for sure. And we both could think of @ least 50 places we would rather be...Houston in the summer ....HHHHHHOOOOOOTTTTTTT!!!!
hot hot hot...and humid....not our gig.
We found a pool here (they didn't tell us about it) I have no swimming suit...but since my underwear and bra cover more than most swim suits...I think we will go cool off!
Tonight we might venture across the freeway for a steak dinner and a movie.
Ya see there are wonderful parts of trucking and then the not so fun stuff. But we are together, safe, and relatively happy. Which is much better than what could have happened if we didn't put the truck shop. If we would have neglected to take care of this issue...to put it bluntly I wouldn't be here any longer, nor Randy, nor the cats.
Happy to be alive,
Happy to be hot even,
as long as I am here!!!!
And with the man I love,

Uh oh...Randy just found Criss Angel on TV...looks like swimming is put off for a bit...I'll pour some wine and expand the mind! Finally some thing worth watching! I am sure it will still be hot in a little bit!
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Cabin Picture Update

OK folks as promised this is the cabin that we are now living in...for real...not some random picture I pulled off the web. If you look really close you can see Voodoo in the yard...and Piere as well. If ya don't know who Piere is...well...he's unexplainable.
We got to spend a little time at the cabin moving in some of our stuff. Currently we are using the patio furniture as our living room. But, we do have dishes and spices of course.
The cabin is small but perfect for our needs. Kinda like a big studio apartment on 150 acres! The cats of course are crazy about it. And it is easy to get the truck to, in, out and around this area.
I have a couple of wine drinking girl friends that live on the property...which I am so very jazzed about!
There are cows, horses, stray cats, and rusting cars...all the things of a perfect farm.
Next time we go home for home time we have promised ourselves a short stay with no work. It will be the first time in almost two years we weren't staying in a hotel, or moving stuff or whatever else...I think I will drink wine and make a music mix!!
With much love,
Kiss Kiss,
Public Service Announcement I "That Sweet Spot"
Ok...it seems as though we get a lot of interesting questions as truck drivers. Me especially since I am a girl. One of them is what is the thing you are most afraid of as a truck driver...that question is easy...killing someone/Randy/and/or the cats.
But as a driver there are things that you folks in cars JUST DON'T KNOW. You folks...we call you "4 wheelers."
This is the first in a God only knows how long series I will be calling "Public Service Announcement."
Because I love ya...and I know that you are clearly UNAWARE of what you are doing.
So this first one is dedicated to that sweet little spot in front of a semi. You know it. It seems as though you are late to God only knows what. You're in a hurry. Ya gotta get the kids. You don't want to sit in traffic. You're late to work. You're just reckless/clueless. Whatever...we all have this issue. And here comes a semi. You know that there will be a "sweet spot" in front of it. Almost like that driver is saying "here...I know ya got stuff to do...come on in, I saved you a spot." It's a nice big space. You might be thinking ((if you even see the driver)) that "wow, that truck drivers letting me in." If you are in California(or Detroit, New York, Dallas, Chicago, Houston, Seattle and the entire eastern seaboard), you especially use this spot as you book across 5 lanes of traffic to get that off ramp that you didn't think about till the last minute. Then you desperately truck hop.
Listen, I am not coming down on you all! I just want you to know what that spot is ACTUALLY for.
TRUCKS TAKE A LONG TIME TO STOP. They are very heavy. They are big. They are heavy. And if that truck driver is doing what a lot of you are doing (texting, makeup, changing the radio station, talking on the phone, spilling coffee...) then he/she has even less time to stop. And we don't want to hit the brakes too hard...because then something else happens...not only would the truck driver take you out...but then the trailer would jack knife, and or roll...and think of how many people are on the road next to the truck...they too would be literally wiped out.
There are many parts of the braking system and it is all about timing. The driver needs to see you. Then (hopefully) they react. Then is the actually stopping of this big heavy mass of metal coming your way. And again hopefully the driver doesn't brake too hard causing a jack knife.
That little spot in front of a truck is a drivers way of being safe. They could tailgate like so many 4 wheelers do...but, that can get messy really quick.
So please...use that spot in front of a truck with care. Know why it is there and pay attention.
Thanks for your time...
Kiss Kiss,
PS Rule to remember....back in drivers ed we all learned about that two second rule. You know the one for following distance.......Trucks have a 15 second rule. Yes, I said fifteen seconds of following distance.
PPS the following picture is a result of a truck that is unable to stop in time. As far as I know, no one was hurt. However, most drivers would loose their careers, because they were unable to stop in time, no matter if it was the car's "fault" or not. Which really sucks.
But as a driver there are things that you folks in cars JUST DON'T KNOW. You folks...we call you "4 wheelers."
This is the first in a God only knows how long series I will be calling "Public Service Announcement."
Because I love ya...and I know that you are clearly UNAWARE of what you are doing.
So this first one is dedicated to that sweet little spot in front of a semi. You know it. It seems as though you are late to God only knows what. You're in a hurry. Ya gotta get the kids. You don't want to sit in traffic. You're late to work. You're just reckless/clueless. Whatever...we all have this issue. And here comes a semi. You know that there will be a "sweet spot" in front of it. Almost like that driver is saying "here...I know ya got stuff to do...come on in, I saved you a spot." It's a nice big space. You might be thinking ((if you even see the driver)) that "wow, that truck drivers letting me in." If you are in California(or Detroit, New York, Dallas, Chicago, Houston, Seattle and the entire eastern seaboard), you especially use this spot as you book across 5 lanes of traffic to get that off ramp that you didn't think about till the last minute. Then you desperately truck hop.
Listen, I am not coming down on you all! I just want you to know what that spot is ACTUALLY for.
TRUCKS TAKE A LONG TIME TO STOP. They are very heavy. They are big. They are heavy. And if that truck driver is doing what a lot of you are doing (texting, makeup, changing the radio station, talking on the phone, spilling coffee...) then he/she has even less time to stop. And we don't want to hit the brakes too hard...because then something else happens...not only would the truck driver take you out...but then the trailer would jack knife, and or roll...and think of how many people are on the road next to the truck...they too would be literally wiped out.
There are many parts of the braking system and it is all about timing. The driver needs to see you. Then (hopefully) they react. Then is the actually stopping of this big heavy mass of metal coming your way. And again hopefully the driver doesn't brake too hard causing a jack knife.
That little spot in front of a truck is a drivers way of being safe. They could tailgate like so many 4 wheelers do...but, that can get messy really quick.
So please...use that spot in front of a truck with care. Know why it is there and pay attention.
Thanks for your time...
Kiss Kiss,
PS Rule to remember....back in drivers ed we all learned about that two second rule. You know the one for following distance.......Trucks have a 15 second rule. Yes, I said fifteen seconds of following distance.
PPS the following picture is a result of a truck that is unable to stop in time. As far as I know, no one was hurt. However, most drivers would loose their careers, because they were unable to stop in time, no matter if it was the car's "fault" or not. Which really sucks.

Public Service Annnouncement
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Back to TRUCKING...,
It's been brought to my attention that this blog that is supposed to be about our trucking life is mostly about my personal life.
Here's the deal...
When you're on the road most the time...EVERYTHING is an adventure in trucking. Because that is where we are ALL the time.
Death, birth, classes, quarky stuff...that's me babe!
But here is a quick little trucking story...
Picture a truck stop, (come on I know you've been to one), it's late, very late. The waitress's are over chatting it up over a couple of cigarettes...and there is this girl, in the corner, with a little laptop, a bunch of markers, a note book, a cell phone, a never empty cup of coffee, bursting out with laughter once in a while...studying quantum physics!
While her sweetie was in the same truck stop ALL day looking at waves, not the ocean kind...but financial trends...those kinds of waves. Things I don't understand...yet.
No, we are not your typical truckers...we had showers yesterday!!!!
We have a load of assorted frozen bread and pastries (-10 degree's) that I will be driving to a Walmart distribution center @ 3:30 am.
We have been hanging at this truck stop since 4:00 this morning.
Last week we drove over 5,000 miles...
...and we can't wait to buy a fridge for our truck next week.
So no big story...just a simple life, out here on the open road.
Kiss Kiss,
PS I hope to be making wine again SOON!!!

I was noticing that I was having a tough time posting. So I am pushing through this one.
How does one follow up after two sudden deaths? What does one write about next? Where do we go from here? How do I be my lovey, goofy self...in spite of it all with out being "disrespectful." Randy just gives me funny looks about that last sentence.
The truth is I am really quite filled with excitement and jazz about the direction our lives are going.
I know a TON of people are down about the economy, my family is in grieving, threat of nuclear war, pollution, our once great country is falling apart, the environment, is it heating or cooling... LOTS happening.
But...I see breakthroughs. I truly believe that if we could let go of some of this pain, frustration, anger, you name it I've had it emotions...and just allow hope and light to come through...things can shift for us all. The joy and the goodness...will just seep out of us.
As I look at Randy I am reminded of all the heartbreaks I have experienced, and rejoice in the NEW love and adventure we are on...and know that had I not gone through those things...I would not be in the place to accept his love, or be in this PHENOMENAL relationship.
As I get into my big truck and head out down the road, I think of all the jobs I have lost and how hard I tried to make them work. Looking back and knowing what I know now...my life is better for the trouble.
When I have dinner at one brothers house and play with his lovely daughter my mind will sometimes wander to those family members that for whatever reasons are not in my life...and then I hear her giggle and I am filled with an unexplainable joy.
As I toast wine with a new friend...I think about friends lost, who have asked me to go...and I still feel a twinge of pain...and then I see a common ground, a love being born, not out of controlling or fear, but one of camaraderie.
...but I KNOW....I KNOW...that all of these things have aided me in becoming me.
And through a lot...a LOT of work...I am starting to see new sparkle in my eyes. A new future ahead of me...an EVOLUTION of what once was. Many people, places, times and events have asked me to leave. Many have pushed me in directions I didn't think I could go and I would go thinking I was a failure.
But is a butterfly a failure to the caterpillar? No...it is the dream of it!
Truly if we focus on what we have right in front of us, and dream the dream of the future...it HAS to change. It can change. It will change. In ways that we never even dreamed of.
What is it they say...the past is a memory, the future is a dream...and the present is a gift...I slaughtered that but you get the idea.
Bless us all in our transformations,
May we all have hope for our future,
May we not have to go to the grave to see the love that is before us.
Kiss Kiss,
P.S. Special love to Steve and Kim, now that they are without bodies, I hope to see you as an orb sometime soon. May you see the love that was here for you...may you return soon...I'd love to hear from you and your experiences. I do believe this is possible!
PPS...Randy has no part in this blog. I am taking a home study course from the Ramtha School of Enlightenment and just finished a teaching on Quantum Entanglement...knowing we can do this! Knowing that we only use 10% of our brains consciously if we are lucky...knowing we do have a say in what happens. I am jazzed to the max about the possibilities of our futures!!
PPPS...isn't ice cream good!?!?!
Away we go!!
Friday, June 26, 2009
A Moment for Steve and Kim

Yesterday, some time in the early early morning, my uncle Steve and his wife Kim died in a car accident.
The report is that they died on impact, no suffering.
I have a lot to say about all this (of course, who would I be if I kept quite!).
But for the moment...I just wish for some peace for them and my family.
I have a BAZILLION things on my mind, but....
...when ever you read this, lets just hold a candle, for these two.
Thank you.
Kiss kiss,
Services for Family is set for Monday...With funeral following the next day.
Both Services will be held in Fargo, North Dakota
Thank You for holding them in your thoughts, as they make their way to the light...
...and on to their next adventure.
But for the moment...I just wish for some peace for them and my family.
I have a BAZILLION things on my mind, but....
...when ever you read this, lets just hold a candle, for these two.
Thank you.
Kiss kiss,
Services for Family is set for Monday...With funeral following the next day.
Both Services will be held in Fargo, North Dakota
Thank You for holding them in your thoughts, as they make their way to the light...
...and on to their next adventure.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
The End of Homlessness!!! Well...for us.

Well after some interesting lessons, which I will not get into here, and being on the road a bunch...we have officially ended our homeless situation!!!!
I signed up for the Ramtha School of Enlightenment home study course. In the first module, we focused on 3 things we wanted to eliminate, and 3 things we wanted to create. The top of my creation list was HOME...I did one C&E session with just kick butt music...and we had a place to live with in a week.
I will be moving back to Washington, next month...which is a big deal for me. Randy of course will be joining us. We are moving into a VERY sweet little cabin that is on 150 acers. There are other people on the land, but, our location will be pretty private.
Once we gather all of our stuff from various locations, we will start being able to save money to buy our own land.
This is just a temporary solution...but, we will once again have a roof over our heads, a place to unwind, the cats will be able to go outside, I have a few girlfriends that live on the property, it's close to the school, great parking for ALL our vehicles!...and I...I will have a kitchen again!!
I will send out a mass email once we get our P.O. box set up and such.
It might be a bit though (Late July). Randy will be setting up some stuff by himself, while I am at an event called Assay. At Assay, I will be working on those other things on my lists.
So thanks for all your love and support over this chaotic time,
Kiss kiss,
PS picture is not of actual cabin! Will get that ASAP :) New address will be available in a month. We hope that we can move on to our own property with in a year!
PPS of course I also hold it in my heart that those who wish NOT to be homeless any longer have a break through in their life as well.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Baby? No...BABIES!!!

Quick little note...
Found out that I will be an auntie two more times in Febuary!!!
Jason and Roxie, and Brian and Lil Amy. Both couples having their second child!!!!
Needless to say I am EPICALLY jazzed...
I will also be attending the birth of Jason and Roxies's second birth in the very honored roll of Doula. This will make my 5th birth attendance. I can not express the excitement and Jazz I feel over this.
So I will be coming off the road late January so I can be in Portland, and be ready for when the little one joins us. This will be temporary leave of absence. Poor Poor Randy...having to be the "bread winner" AGAIN. I am very lucky to have his love and support.
Kiss Kiss,
PS send the little ones some good love vibes and growth!!!
Wacky Weather...
I just wanted to say...this year we have had the oddest weather.
I know that we haven't been driving for THAT long.
And before I fell in love with gardening I was never THAT concerned with the weather...ever, in the Pacific Northwest...let alone the country.
We just finished a big run out (8ish weeks)...and we have driven through MORE thunderstorms than ever...also, some of the latest winter we have ever experienced.
The photo was taken when we were trying to see the Nieces in North Dakota...we got shut down twice. March 31st! Please note the depth of the snow I am standing in...the black blob I am holding is Voodoo...the princess...she was not particularly jazzed about the snow!
Kiss Kiss,
A little personal discovery...

Just a quick little note...we got back into Portland Oregon today for a little home time. We're staying in a hotel till we can solve our lack of housing...I drove ALL night...and could not sleep when Randy took over!
However...the moment I got in the car...rolled the windows down...put in the beloved Greg Brown in the CD player at top level...smelling the forest air...driving down country roads...I remembered how much I truly love driving. It's different when the road is open and you can go really fast really quickly. When you get to do it because you don't have to.
How many other things do we have that we do A LOT but miss the pleasure in? May be that kiss from a lover...becomes...ordinary. Cooking dinner becomes routine. Grocery shopping a pain in the a**. Taking care of the pets, doing laundry, getting ready for work.
But who would I be if these things you could not do them any longer?
I get to really look at these things lately.
When ever we get home...what I desire the most is time with people whom I love, a great home cooked meal, a SHOWER, a couple glasses of wine, and now believe it or not...a good little drive. And... maybe... a massage!
I would love to integrate that level of delight I had on that country road...into my daily life, on the road, and off. Find that magic in wonder in ALL that I do!
Before enlightenment...chop wood and carry water.
After enlightenment...chop wood and carry water.
ah...so true.
Maybe some day I will get the enlightenment!
But until then...I am definitely walking toward it! With all my might!!!
Kiss Kiss,
PS Randy is watching Malcom in the Middle...laughing the Randy laugh...and I am truly delighted in this little thing!
Monday, June 8, 2009
ACCIDENT:::FIRE!!!...all in one month????

First I need to say before you read too much, and, before Randy rolls his eyes too much...we are OK and doing well...
Now...for the story....
I guess that opening kind of ruins it huh?
Well, long story short we have had our first accident AND our first truck fire (ish).
The short of the accident...we were taking a nap in our bunk, when all of the sudden it seemed like the sky was falling! Our truck giggled and banged. I threw my clothes on and jumped out of the truck...likitty split! Because we have seen WAY too many hit and runs in truck stops. Sure enough a guy backed into us and crushed part of our front...in between the hood and the door. Well, by then Randy was dressed and I thought it best that he talked to the guy (for OH so many reasons, number one we haven't had this truck very long!) Meanwhile I started taking pictures like crazy. Now here is the funny part. The guy didn't get out of the truck right away. He didn't even know that he hit us! Well in his Randy way he explained it to the guy and he got out and looked at our truck, his truck and said "well I guess I did." They swapped information...and we went back to sleep. So you think that would be it do ya???? Well...not so much...
...we did all the steps needed for the company and it was seeming to take quite some time to get our truck repaired (and it still isn't, 1 month later!) Well, come to find out this guy left the truck stop we were at and filed a police report on US!!! He is saying that someone else hit us, and then we saw him, got his info, and took off....that he couldn't have hit us because he had a spotter! Unfortunately for him, what he doesn't know is we are on electronic logs. If our truck MOVES it is recorded. SOOOOO there is no way that we moved that truck and took off on him...it would be in our logs! Bummer for him. Isn't filing a false police report against the law? I wish no ill will towards him...heck I don't even care really...we just want our truck fixed.
For those of you who don't know ANYTHING about trucking I would like a moment to discuss Jake brakes. You know when your going down a mountain pass and a semi will kick in a really LOUD rumblingish sound? This is an engine brake. When we are driving down steep grades with all that weight it is good to use these brakes because it helps keep our regular brakes cool and usable. If the regular brakes get too hot...they may catch on FIRE, or you might "loose" them. Randy could post a clearer definition of all this if you asked him...I'm just giving ya the TL version! So anyways... Jake brakes are GREAT!
Well, we were on a I-80 pass in Utah called Parley's Canyon. It was late. Randy was sleeping. It was REALLY dark. I noticed that my cruise control AND my jake brakes were not working. No worries I thought to myself...I will practice winter driving skills and figure out what is up with these other issues when Randy gets up. (Very bad to use Jakes in winter driving conditions, will explain some other time)
Well, I like to do the passes with the CB on, in case there is a run away truck, or someones brakes are smoking, or whatever. Next thing I know I hear our company's name coming over the CB saying we're smoking bad!!! I pull over IMMEDIATELY!!!! And sure enough we are smoking pretty bad. I jump back into the truck and wake up Randy, and we go look at it. No fire. But they were pretty HOT. SO we let them cool...and continued on our way. With no additional problems...until Randy was driving in Cali the next day!!!! He was also on I-80 coming into California. BIG LONG drops...and Randy had the brakes smoking so bad that when he stopped he used the fire extinguisher on 'em!!!
They never ACTUALLY caught on fire. But it makes a better headline to say FIRE vs. ALMOST FIRE.
Oh, and what was the mechanical issue that made our jakes and cruise control go out? A little spring in the clutch that holds up the clutch petal when not in use!!!!

Friday, April 17, 2009
E. Coli and Looking Out for YOUR safety....

Well ladies and gents...in case you are wondering if those companies are looking out for you and your health...I thought I would let you in on a little something that happened today. We picked up a load of packaged beef in Texas and brought it to Nebraska (which is odd because we normally haul meat out of Nebraska) ANYWAYS....When we left they put a combination lock on the back. This has never happened before (well, to me) and I am thinking to myself...gee this is a little odd. ANYWAYS...I ask the guy about it...and he says that the meat is not done being tested yet, and that when they get the lab results they call us with the combination, then we can have the truck unloaded. Just so you know...we always have a lock on our loads, that we put on ourselves, to help protect the load (it's a pretty intense lock). So we run this meat load up to Nebraska, no call yet. We get to the receiver, no call yet. We talk to the receiver, call the guy back...yeah the tests will be back soon. We are just sitting at the dock. Waiting, and waiting, and waiting. Now what is wise of this company is that this is a combination lock. Not just a silly piece of plastic that we can rip off. Even the receiver guy said he was tempted to take it off. Short story long...we were sitting at the receiver ALMOST as long as it took to drive before they would release this combination. They ran the meat through extra testing...and wanted you the consumer to be SAFE. So eat up America...those burgers are E. Coli free!!!! ((side note this is a special attempt to make you more aware of our silly daily lives, if you have suggestions please feel free to email them to me.)) Kiss Kiss, Terrilynn
Sunday, April 12, 2009
WOW!!! It's been OVER a year...

I'm currently sitting in Eaton, Ohio...just realized it's been a YEAR since I wrote the last blog. Man...for those fans out there...it must seem like we've been up to a whole lotta nada. Well, truthfully, just the opposite has been true. I have been sending out updates via email...but where's the fun in that???
So here I sit, in the back of the diner, with classic rock playing in the background and gross decaf in my cup. Randy is off sleeping in our Peterbilt ((yep that's new)) with the cats wondering where I am, but most importantly where is dinner? My fresh laundry is in a big black bag on the booth across from me...and my thoughts wander to those of you out there...
Who reads this stuff???
Regardless...I have a mission to document our adventures...and have fallen flat on my face...you don't know that story of rescuing that man in Texas, you haven't heard about my one way trip from Denver to Portland, our trip to Mexico, and countless other funny stories...and serious ones too. You have also missed out on all the little big things that we wonder about...like what's happened to our constitution, what radio shows we listen to...and how many trucks have we driven...or why is our new truck number 95666 and what does that really mean???
So please, please forgive my failures...I am working on it.....ok!!!!
PS as another update...Randy has decided he doesn't want other truckers calling me Sweet Pea...so I don't have a handle...heheheheeee when have I ever had a handle on anything?
Much love...Terrilynn
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